Featured Presentation - Stuart Smith, Information Systems
Manager for the City of Williamsburg,
who discussed the use of the Internet to provide services for citizens
and to improve operations within the organization. He was assisted by Robert
Cruz, the City's Webmaster.
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Ben Loyall, President
of Widomaker Communications Service
had to cancel, but his presentation was replaced with a question and answer
session that dealt with beginners' issues.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - had to be canceled
February 1997
Featured Presentation - Jeff Patterson from Charles
Schwab & Company discussed World Wide Web Trading. He showed how
trading on the Web has come of age and is available 24 hours a day. Jeff
was accompanied by Chris Crawford from the Schwab office in Norfolk.
You can check out the Schwab site at: http://www.schwab.com
and check for access by calling 1-800-435-4000
We would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak with all of
you during last months user group meeting. (visiting our world wide web site, viewing our full range of services,
including online trading, real-time quotes, market news and interactive
investment management resources.
By the way, we would like to extend an offer to all of you who open a new
account with $5000 or transfer an additional $5000 or more to your existing
Schwab account by June 30, 1997, and receive a complimentary 100-day subscription
to the Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition. With an Interactive Journal
Subscription, you'll have instant online access to timely global business
news, detailed company reports, personalized news and more.
Chris Crawford
Charles Schwab & Company Inc.
100 Bank Street
Norfolk Va 23510
757-446-1286 Or 1-800-624-8774
E-mail: Chris.Crawford@Schwab.com
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Ben Loyall, President
of Widomaker Communications Service
presented Part 4 of his ongoing series of introductory lectures. The exact
topic will be announced Wednesday evening.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - Web page creation - the
next step. This was geared toward users who had some web page creation
experience and wanted to add new features and capabilities to their sites
(cgi scripts, animations, Java, database links, server-side includes, etc.).
It also included some tips on sprucing up the general appearance of your
Featured Presentation -Trotter Hardy, Professor
of Law at the College of William and Mary,
discussed "The Internet and Copyright." Professor Hardy
worked on this very important Internet issue at the Copyright office in
Washington, D.C. last year.
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Ben Loyall, President
of Widomaker Communications Service
presented Part 5 of his ongoing series of introductory lectures. This one
dealt with modems.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - David Hamilton,
of Sun Microsystems. discussed Java.
The presentation covered Java, the language, as well as the Java Computing
Environment, and why it has received so much attention. There was a demonstration
of a prototype JavaStation, Sun's Network Computer (NC). David Hamilton
is a Systems Engineer at the local Sun Microsystems office. David has been
with Sun for two years, working in pre-sales technical support.
April 1997
Featured Presentation #1 - Ben Loyall, President of Widomaker Communications Service and
Jeremy Hinton of VisiNet spoke
about modems, particularly, the new 56K modem standard. They cleared up
some of the misconceptions about the new modems and helped users formulate
reasonable expectations of what these new modems will and won't do.
Featured Presentation #2 - Jon Dellaria of Adobe
Systems discussed Adobe's Internet-related software offerings. This
includes PageMill,
Acrobat Weblink,
Photoshop and others. For some examples of Adobe's web-related software
in action, see their web site, where you can download demo's, as well.
Thank you very much for allowing Adobe to present at your user group
meeting last night. I really enjoyed being there and it was alot of fun.
You requested that I send some links for the products. Here are the product
names and their links.
Again, thank you. Everyone made me feel at home.
May 1997
Featured Presentation - The Emerging Internet: New
Directions in Communication and Learning - In this presentation, Larry
Crum, Senior Vice President of Educational Futures at WHRO
discussed the impact of Internet on aspects of communication and learning
in society and in the emerging educational learning environment. Regional
trends in Greater Hampton Roads and WHRO educational and community Internet
projects were showcased during the presentation.
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Will Caulford, of Widomaker Communications Service presented
an overview of "chat" facilities on the Internet.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - (canceled)
June 1997
Featured Presentation - James Schultz, author
and technical writer from Williamsburg and Bentley Boyd, cartoonist
and reporter from the Daily Press, presented "How a Writer and
a Cartoonist use the Web." See Bentley's page Boyd's
Eye View, for more information. Also, take a look at the DailyExpress
at DigitalCity
Breakout Sessions - canceled in order to give Bentley
and James the full 2 hours. They answered questions after their presentation.
July 1997
Featured Presentation - Bill von Ofenheim, an engineer
at the NASA Langley Research Center,
discussed the use of the Internet and World Wide Web in NASA. He demonstrated
NASA's online photo archives, its Freedom of Information document retrieval
system and various NASA web sites that are related to his own projects
at NASA.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - Chris
Hicks of Flamingo Internet
Navigators presented: "Doing HTML better than the 'pros'"
- Simple tricks and techniques to improve your web site: validation, SSI,
img tags (alt, height, width), and tables. He also demonstrated some links
to outside services that help you "validate" your HTML code.
August 1997
Featured Presentation - "Marketing
on the Web", by Leroy Newman, President and CEO, Peninsula Software of Virginia, Newport News, VA. Mr. Newman discussed the outstanding
success his company has had in marketing on the Web. His company, Peninsula
Software of Virginia, Inc. authors and markets nationwide PC-PAYROLL, payroll
software for small to mid-sized businesses, with unsurpassed technical
Breakout Sessions - canceled. There was a questions and
answer session after the presentation.
September 1997
Featured Presentation - Jesse
Weeks, who hosts two sites and has had tremendous success with both.
She has counseled many nonprofits re: how to get the most out of their
web site. She has recently entered a partnership for new business site
with an International firm that is providing a 'virtual auditorium', streamed
video for seminars and cartoon series, the Possible Wisdom of Soul-o-mon,
and other interesting web innovations. She has recently given several presentations
on the topic of web wisdom. People find her perspective as a user and not
an ISP salesperson refreshing and useful. She enjoys these sessions because
it gives her the opportunity to help web investors achieve success and
not disappointment.
Her topics include:
- 20 strategies to make the web work for you
- 10 things you need to know before you invest
- 5 marketing tips for those on the net but without a web page
- 3 ways to make your web site pay for itself
Breakout Session - Ben Loyall, President of Widomaker Communications Service spoke
about the origin of the Internet and gave some details about its structure
and operation.
October 1997
Featured Presentation - Scanners and imaging for the
Internet, by Andrew Kator, Professor at the College of William and
Featured Presentation -Ben Loyall, President
of Widomaker Communications Service
spoke about the new generation of modems in: "56K or not, Some
things to look at when buying a modem today." His presentation
was cut short due to illness, but he will finish it next month.
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Kris Romero, President
of the Williamsburg Internet Association presented: "The
best and brightest web sites" as well as answering general Q&A's.
Kris has posted more information on her
web site.
Part 1 of 4 How The Web Works - An introduction to servers,
HTML, CGI, and browsers. A look underneath the hood to create a context
for learning about HTML and CGI.
December 1997
Featured Presentation -Ben Loyall, President
of Widomaker Communications Service
discussed the new generation of modems in: "56K or not, Some things
to look at when buying a modem today." This was be the second
of a two part presentation that was begun in November.
Breakout Session (Beginners') - Kris Romero, President
of the Williamsburg Internet Association spoke about downloading
programs from the Internet. The talk covered the basics of how to download
files, what it means to unzip files and how to do it, and a quick glance
at some of the more popular plug-ins.
Breakout Session (Advanced) - due to the absence of the
scheduled speaker, the advanced session took the form of an informal discussion
of various Internet-related topics, including network time protocol (ntp),
weather servers, automated html writers, etc.