Minutes of the
Williamsburg Internet Association Meeting
November 19, 1996 at 7:00 PM.
Featuring Berna Heyman, Assistant Dean of University Libraries for
Automation and Bibliographic Control at the College of William and Mary
"Let your fingers do the walking: Online information from the Swem
Library "
Our thanks to Berna Heyman, who brought the expansive offerings of the college
libraries to light for us by explaining what the online resources are and
how to access them. Many resources are available to the general public from
personal computers, however, many others are only available to the college
community, or from the workstations in the Reference Department of the Swem
Anyone with a browser can access LION-Libraries
On-line: the online catalog for the College of William and Mary Libraries.
The catalog covers three main library areas: the library catalog, the reserve
desk and the information desk. Online users can download or print from LION,
and can even make online requests. And a Help button is provided; see the
button bars at the top or bottom of the pages.
There are three ways you can search on LION:
- Browse Search looks for the closest possible match by scanning
alphabetical lists. A search lists items closely matching the first words
- Keyword Search looks for any and all possible matches by searching
the entire database for the word(s) you enter. Choose "Words or Phrase"
to search words anywhere in any record in the database. Or, confine you
search to one of the other keyword options offered.
- Exact Term Search looks for an exact letter-for-letter match
and is the most precise method of searching.
Informational links offered on the LION Homepage:
- LION availability
- What is included in LION
- Types of searches available on LION
- Navigating in LION
- Hypertext or "like" searching
- Qualifying a search
- Re-executing searches
- Truncation
- Printing search results
- E-mailing search results
- Downloading search results
Other Resources Available to Anyone:
Swem Library's Homepage
Library Information (hours,
staff, training sessions)
Special Collections
(guide, hours, policies, illustrations)
Internet Tools (subject directories,
search engines, resource guides)
Exhibits (special
collections, Virginia Newspaper Project)
Gateway to Library Resources
Reference Works (collections
of ref. databases, citation guides)
Journals (collections
of electronic journals)
Books (collections of
electronic text)
News Sources (general
news, higher education news, Virginia news, collections)
Library Catalogs
(Library of Congress, Virginia library and other library catalogs)
Government Info (U.S.
government, Virginia, international)
Resources Available Only in the Swem Library Reference Department (for
non-W&M patrons):
- African-American Poetry 1760-1900
- Associations Unlimited - info for U.S. nonprofit organizations
- Biography and Genealogy Master Index
- Britannica Online
- Contemporary Authors
- EconLit - index and abstracts of the world's economic literature
- English Poetry
- English Verse Drama
- ERIC - all aspects of education from 1966-present
- FirstSearch - includes over 60 databases in broad and specific subject
- Gale Database of Publications and Broadcast Media
- GeoRef - the American Geological Institute's geoscience database
- IAC - includes Expanded Academic Index, General Business File,
- HealthReference Center
- Latin America Database
- Life Sciences
- MathSciNet
- MLA Bibliography
- Project Muse - full text of all the journals published by the Johns
- Univ. Press
- PsycLIT
- Research Centers and Services Directories
- Sociofile
Breakout Session (Advanced) - a roundtable discussion of Internet
related topics
Breakout Session (Beginner) - Internet Basics- Featuring
Ben Loyall, President of Widomaker Communications Service presented
Internet Basics: E-mail from A to Z, the second in a series of
4 planned presentations. Every aspect of using E-mail, from the initial
setup of the E-mail program to solving the problems that many new users
encounter. Ban has made his presentation slides
available online.
Membership to Williamsburg Internet Association: Membership is $10 per year
for each unit, either an individual or a family unit. Membership entitles
you to one vote per unit, and to be on the Majordomo mailing listserver.
Members can get minutes, as well as send and receive information to/from
all other members.
Attendance tonight was 56 people. We need to get the word out that we are
here! If you would like to help with publicity and correspondence, please
contact Dana Metheny . Thanks!
Tuesday, December 17, at 7 P.M. at the Williamsburg Regional Library
- Speakers and topics will be announced ASAP.
These minutes (and other important announcements from the WIA) are being
e-mailed to all members of the WIA majordomo mailing list. They will also
be posted to the newsgroups:
- comp.org.user-groups.meetings
- va.general (a statewide newsgroup).
- williamsburg.events (a local / regional group)
See you at the next meeting.